Multi-Channel Contact Centre

Phone, Web, Email & Social

Call Centre.

Yes, real people on the end of a telephone! Our professional contact centre team understand your needs, venue and event familiar, we pride ourselves in delivering services as knowledgeable as you.

We offer Toll-Free and custom phone numbers, full call queuing, voice messaging and inteligent direct and reporting services to a SLA.

Web Chat & Social.

Webchat is an increasingly popular communications channel offering convenience and structured instantaneous connection with customers with superb Knowledge Base functionality and offline messaging with case tracking.

We offer full Social Media messaging including WhatsApp Business Chat to communicate with customers in their most familiar environment.

Online Channels.

We offer full Email marketing services to keep close to your customers and creat awareness of your events, products or services and any special offers you chose to promote.

CRM integrated webforms and smart data capture tools build mailing lists and enquiry structures.

Get in touch today to find out more.